TAT WIN management with some of the staff, all smiling.

Responsible recruitment and ethical employment

Respecting every human's right
Responsible recruitment and ethical employment

Protect. Respect. Remedy.

TAT WIN adopts the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) — a globally recognised framework for preventing and addressing human rights abuses by business entities.

At TAT WIN, we are committed to responsible recruitment and treating worker involved with dignity and respect. Our ethical employment practices uphold high standards of fairness, transparency and worker rights.

Our commitment to responsible recruitment goes beyond compliance — it's our moral duty

All our workers are free from any form of recruitment debt encumbrances, forced labor, trafficking and the withholding of personal travel documents.

Our recruitment and employment practices

It is our moral duty to protect our workers from any human rights abuses related to our business activities and providing effective remedies for those impacted by our operations.

We are firm practitioners of ethical and transparent recruitment processes that prevent exploitation and discrimination.

We also have zero tolerance for forced labor or trafficking.

Employer Pays Principle (EPP)

TAT WIN workers sitting together

At TAT WIN, we practice the "Employer Pays Principle".

This means that we bear all the recruitment expenses and don't burden our workers with recruitment fees or debts.

Recruiting at the country of origin

IKEA and TAT WIN press release

We engage workers in their home countries to minimise the risks associated with cross-border recruitment.

By recruiting in the country of origin, we prevent any form of exploitation or abuse during the recruitment process.

Quizrr for additional validation

TAT WIN staff undergoing digital training with Quizrr

We use Quizrr as an additional checkpoint to validate potential hires for any form of exploitation.

Quizrr serves digital content with short videos followed by a quiz — and is always in their local language.

Quizrr's learning modules are based on the ILO Core Conventions, IOM's Migrant Worker Guidelines for Employers, Employer Pays Principle (EPP), OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN SDG's 5, 8, 12 and 17 as well as local law.

Employee grievance mechanism

TAT WIN employee giving a suggestion in a meeting.

TAT WIN employees are empowered to raise their grievances without fear of retaliation and have a physical box that receives anonymous feedback — an effective channel for employees to voice their concerns.

Our timely and fair resolution of grievances have increased workers' faith in the system and encouraged contributions — which has helped us identify invisible fault lines and make meaningful improvements.